Do you have any New Year’s resolutions in mind for 2022?
A popular type of resolution is physical activity - whether to be more active in general or to meet specific personal goals.
Whether you’re already settled on a physical activity goal or you’re not so sure, consider a great resource in this city to help you meet your resolutions: Edmonton Recreation Centres & Pools. Edmonton has 18 (soon to be 19!) rec centres and pools across the city for public use.
Go to to see a list of the rec centres and pools, including a map of them, restrictions/requirements for entry, and more details about each.
What are some of the physical activities hosted and spaces available at rec centres and pools? Aquafit classes, gymnasium spaces, pickleball courts, fitness equipment, running tracks, arts programs, swimming lessons, personal training - and so much more!
Not ready or able to go to a rec centre in person? Some centres offer virtual group fitness classes! Check out the link above to see which centres offer them.
Which rec centre or pool is your favourite and why? Let us know in the comments!