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We know God has clearly stated money is an important topic in our lives. Throughout scripture, we can clearly identify five separate financial principles that can be applied to our own situations. God’s money principles are transcendent and timeless, and they work in every situation, every time.  Follow along on our money management posts on what the bible says about money.

1st: Spend Less than you Earn.
Sounds pretty simple right? Although it is sometimes hard to do. 

We live in a culture of constant advertising bombardment, and our culture sows discontentment. We’re taught that we can and should buy what we want, when we want, regardless of consequences.  Proverbs 13:11 states, “Wealth quickly gotten dwindles away, but amassed little by little, it grows.”

Many of us purchase things not just out of necessity, but for reward. We fill our lives with "things" and purchases for pleasure and leisure. But if you find yourself spending more than what you earn, you will quickly find yourself in a difficult situation. Most people who do, tend to ignore what they are actually spending and compare it to what they earn. Have you taken the time to re-evaluate your financial position? Are you spending more than you should? It is good to review our spending habits monthly to ensure they align with your goals.

NIV Luke 16:11 
So if you have not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who will trust you with true riches?

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