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Mutual trust is the foundation for close relationships.
Trust is the ability to believe in the good intentions and will of another toward us in a relationship. 

Trust creates and thrives in emotional safety. The following are ways trust is built and what contributes to emotional safety in relationships.

1. Telling the truth
Speaking truth in love provides the foundation of trust and security in a relationship and results in emotional and spiritual maturity (Ephesians 4:15). Love as God embodies it, is self-sacrifice for the good of others and rejoices in the truth. (1 Corinthians 13:6). When spoken words are believed and confirmed by the actions of the speaker, emotional safety to trust results.

2. Being transparent
When I am open to being known and have nothing to hide in a relationship of mutuality, trust grows. Hiding belies fear, shame, and guilt (Genesis 3:10). My voluntary self-disclosure says “I want to be known by you.”

3. Keeping your word
When I follow-through and do what I say, I demonstrate that “I’m committed to and care about you and us.” Jesus calls his disciples to demonstrate integrity so that their word and intentions can be trusted. He says to, “let your yes be yes and your no, no” (Matthew 5:37). When we do as we say and follow through with our spoken intentions we engender trust with others.

4. Offering acceptance
Acceptance in a friendship says, “I receive you. You are enough for me. I do not require you to perform to earn my friendship.” Acceptance signals good will, commitment, refusal to reject, and lack of negative judgment.

Learning to trust others is to focus on being trustworthy yourself. Being a person others can trust involves honesty and integrity. Have the courage to share the truths of God's Word and to strive to live them out.

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